Thursday, February 6, 2014

Yoga...return to bliss

The practice of yoga is personal, the true connection of mind body and spirit. Returning from a 2 year absence has brought a familiar awareness to the benefits of this ancient art and discipline. It is the softening, the lengthening, the surrendering to your inner peace via breath control, balance and awareness. It centers your thoughts, feelings and emotions and connects them.
It's a personal discipline drawing from your deepest sense of self which transforms the energy of the mind into control of the body. A bliss experienced when ego is forgotten and inner peace is realized.
This return also brought a keen awareness to the flexibility of the body, the asanas (postures), the mudras (hand gestures), the prana (life force/breath) are gathered within a session to awaken the spirit and bring it towards the body and mind. It is no easy feat to hold a posture, control the breath and soften the expression. There are 2 distinct styles of practice focusing on the yang or the yin. Yang being a more male. muscle oriented, energizing, flowing, intense style and yin a female, connective tissue focused, gentle, flowing style. The two are complementary and produce the same bliss dependent on your needs for your practice in any given day.
Balance asanas are my personal favorite, a true grounding to the earth, a letting go of emotions, a mindful expression. A center of gravity is found and the edges are explored...a fluid stability
The beauty of yoga is the opportunity to experience what is necessary for your body/mind/spirit at that moment. There is no competition...egoless exercise. Your practice is yours island in a sea.

Produces formProduces energy

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