Monday, June 27, 2011

Leadership as a Second Language

This post is dedicated to those who empower so that others may be empowered...thank you...

It has become obvious that there is a NEW language of leadership edging out the OLD language of leadership. I will attempt to clarify...
There are distinct differences in perception and perspective when it comes to the language of leadership, it is also about style, content, context,, passion, belief, purpose...
Leaders put people first and empower others so that they may continue the process. Leadership is not about those who follow, it is about the followers who are empowered to empower. It's about the personal leadership, the self actualization process and the ability to be self reliant while having the understanding and acceptance to follow.
OLD STYLE LEADERSHIP: John Maxwell, Bob Proctor, Anthony Robbins, Ken Blanchard, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Gary Keller, Steven Covey...
NEW STYLE LEADERSHIP: Dan Pink, Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, Simon Sinek, Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branton, Tim Ferris, Sally Hogshead, Clay Shirky, Derek Sivers, Ken Robinson, Tom Rath...
OLD STYLE VOCABULARY: motivation, value, hope, try, wish, influence, control, manage/management, corporate structure, status quo, conformity, win/win, law of attraction, team, plan, mindset, accountability, moderation, compromise, adapt, recruit, titles, labels...
NEW STYLE VOCABULARY: energy, transparency, minimalism, zen, aim, advocacy, strategy, accomplishment, relationships, flat company, strengths/talents, collaboration, ideas, coordination, adopt, collective brilliance, acceptance,innovation, initiative, intrinsic, autonomy, mastery, purpose,...
These lists are by no means complete so feel free to comment. 
Culture is a word that may be included in both categories due to its very broad nature. Crossover words like culture are a means for the awareness of the difference of these distinct styles. There is no right or wrong or good or bad, it just is.
This emotional vocabulary and new leadership style has the ability to transform ordinary to extraordinary, mediocre to remarkable...Leadership has a second language.
Now for the icing on this emotional vocabulary cake... a whole new perspective on business from those who bring you and Check out these 2 awesome websites for insights. 
This blog was brought to you by one who is humbled by leaders who empower and empowered by leaders who are humble.

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